Category Archives: Finishing Canvas

Celebrating 25 Years of Art Reproduction Experience

I am celebrating 25 years of Art Reproduction. That’s right, I know I do not look old enough but it has been 25 years of being on the cutting edge of reproducing art. My first experiences were capturing art with 35mm film on transparency film. Than on to a Hasselblad capturing 2 1/4 transparencies. The […]

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May 14, 2010 - 7:06 am

Randy This is a custom built light banks by R and R Copy systems check them out at

March 23, 2010 - 10:42 am

Matt Whitaker Nice setup Randy! What kind of lighting is that you’re using there?

March 22, 2010 - 5:44 pm

photobugjb Happy 25 Th. Randy. I hope I look as good as you do when I get to be your age.


Embellishment, learn how to add impasto strokes to your inkjet

This how to video shows you step by step instructions for use of Eco Print Shield Elegance to Embellish Giclee Prints. This technique allows you to make each Giclee a one of a kind. Want to read more go to You can add any type of heavy impasto brush strokes to light brush strokes. […]

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Printing Canvas: Why and How to Apply A Protective Coating

Why do you want to add a protective coating to your canvas if the canvas is already water resistant? Longevity is the number one reason. Another reason is that it stops the cracking when you do a gallery wrap. All of your edges will not crack after applying Eco Print Shield. Read these 2 PDF’s […]

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March 31, 2012 - 7:35 am

Ben Tebbens Scott, thanks so much for the fabulous video tutorial!! Such great great information.

I was a bit confused about what you said at the end about the last coat determining the “sheen”. I looked back at your first video and it appeared that you used the “satin” for the first coat which I bought and am actually waiting on it to dry as I type this. Is there another product that you would suggest to use for the first and second coats? I am actually looking for a finished “satin” coat. I was a little confused about that part.

Lastly is there a “drying” time between coats, how do I know when it’s ready to apply the second coat? I may have missed that…thanks so so much for this great info. Wishing you the very best, Ben Tebbens.