Randy Hufford Tips and Techniques bio picture
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    "Randy Hufford's Digital Photo News and Techniques Get The Inside Scoop!"

    My passion is sharing my Love for Photography and Life. In this blog I will feature valuable News and Techniques about Photography, Photoshop, Printing, Presentation, Marketing and Preservation Framing. I hope you enjoy it and encourage you to make comments. Please do not hesitate to make any requests of your needs.

    Randy Hufford
    M.photog., CR, PPA certified, Digital Print Master, Photographic Artist

HDR Rocks

Photo Showing HDR technique

Photo Showing HDR technique

I love the control you have when using HDR for a commercial Application. This is a example of using HDR to gives a illustrative look but still photographic experience of an Exterior. If you are in Wailuku check out this business that sells everything made with Bamboo for building. It also features a gallery of my images.

September 9, 2010 - 8:04 am

Randy Hi Bruce

I have a upcoming Speed of Light class featuring Adobe Lightroom training. Oahu

Saturday, October 9th, from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Cost: $99 for a 4 hour hands on class from 1pm to 5pm

Location Makani Kai Helicopters at 130 Iolana Place, Honolulu

Click here to read Class description Oahu

September 8, 2010 - 8:26 pm

Bruce Miyoda Hi Randy! We met at the Maui Photo Festival. I’m in Honolulu. Enjoy your site very much and would be interested in any workshops you have in Honolulu! Take care!

Bruce Miyoda

West Coast Art and Frame Show Las Vegas

We are returning to WCAF show in Las Vegas:

For more info go to www.wcafshow.com
T900  Introduction to Adobe® Photoshop® for Framers
Monday, January 25, 2010 : 9am – 11:30am

T905A  The Perfect Print: Session A: Equipment and Scanning
Sunday, January 24, 2010 : 1pm – 2pm

T905B  The Perfect Print: Session B: Ink Jet Media and Finishing
Sunday, January 24, 2010 : 2:15pm – 4:45pm

T905C  The Perfect Print: Session C: Marketing Your Digital Printing
Sunday, January 24, 2010 : 5pm – 6pm

Teachinginkjet Finishing

Photo is from last year with Randy Hufford and Jennifer Barut (my daughter) teaching canvas finishing and how to increase your Inkjet print sales. This is a fun class!!!

Teaching Inkjet Finishing and Opportunities

Show Large Prints= Sell Large Prints

Check out a few of my new releases Printed large!!! It is a known fact that if you print large you will sell large.

Customers have to see it, than they want it!

Want to get more money for your prints, well print them bigger!!

Print Large=Sell Large

Print Large=Sell Large

Jaws second day of the Big Surf

I have had so many questions about Jaws, so now I am attempting  to address all of the questions.

Yes I shot these pictures of the surf spot named Jaws on the North Shore of Maui. Jaws is a big wave surf spot. It does not even break until the surf exceeds 20 feet or more. It is for tow ins, which means that the wave is so big that you cannot even paddle into it, you have to be towed into wave with a jet ski. The first day I sat on top of Alex Merks van which had a ideal location on the edge of the cliff, because he spent the night. Second day I hiked down the cliff and shot from a little ledge on the cliff. I shoot all of the photos on both days in the morning just after sunrise. I shot this with my Canon 5d mark2 with a 35to350 zoom. I cropped these photos to zoom in on the action. A 600 to 800mm would be the better choice.

Yes you can post these images on facebook or blogs, I am just requesting that you give me photo credit to read: www.randyhufford.ivamaui.com

Yes you can see more images of Jaws on my blog web site.

I have been asked how big are you going to print it? 60×88

No I do not know the name of the surfer and yes the surfer rode the entire wave and survived.

Yes art is still selling!!

The buoys on Monday where 23 feet 17 seconds apart the buoys on Tuesday where 19 feet 17 seconds apart. National Weather service said that waves would be 20 to 30 feet with occasional 50 footers.

This photo is from Tuesday, which was a little smaller than Monday.

Yes it was crowded with the roads jam packed with people and cars. The road is a old pineapple field and really narrow hard for  cars to pass each other.

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!

Aloha Randy

Jaws Big surf on maui

Jaws Big surf on maui

Jaws Maui Surf is Overhead

Wow Maui has so many photographic experiences!!! Check Out the surf spot named Jaws on Maui, The largest and best surf today in all of Hawaii. How big do you think it is?
