May 08 2010 Seabury Crafts Fair was such a great event! Best selling art was Jacaranda trees titled “Upcountry Bliss” Jaws surfing photo titled “Goin Left” and a BetterLight pano scan ( of Big Island titled “Coconut Stampede” The key to our presentation is the Flourish display with mesh walls that let you easily hang art with design.
Randy Hufford Art at Seabury Crafts Fair
July 27, 2015 - 8:36 am
Hi, What did you use to hang your art on your tent walls?
March 31, 2012 - 10:44 am
Love the info and this shot showing how you displayed your canvas’. All these little tid bits really help!! Thanks so much, Ben. Trying to get into the canvas sales…actually any sale. Just starting. Put my last coat of the Eco Print Shield on my first canvas shots, (2) they really look great;)
by Randy
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